Implementation of Integrated Health, Safety & Environment Digitalisation Project

Ankaa Consulting’s α-phe Digital platform has been selected by upstream oil and gas PSC operator in Malaysia to implement Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) modules. Our client operates 13 offshore platform in Malaysian waters. The digital platform is fully managed by Ankaa Consulting and is hosted in Microsoft Azure Platform.

HSE Digitalization project which covers its offices, warehouses, and offshore assets. The implementation of the software started with prebuild modules using α-phe HSE Modules and then it was extended further by customisation and configuration to the COMPANY specific requirements.

α-phe Health, Safety and Environment Digital platform contains the following applications:

  1. Incident Management
  2. Process Safety Management (LOPC)
  3. Unsafe Act Unsafe Condition (UAUC)
  4. Audit & Assurance
  5. Performance Reporting & Dashboard
  6. Action Management
  7. Risk Management

In this project, a full team of subject matter experts (SME), Software Implementors and Project Manager worked on this project from Ankaa Consulting to implement as per client requirements. COMPANY shared their current practices, forms used and excels, which Ankaa Consulting team converted into software modules. Full workflow based system was implemented with security authorisation per functionality, inbox for each users, on-screen and email notification services. These entire delivery was achieved by just configuring the modules in α-phe platform.

α-phe platform is a modern and comprehensive cloud / web based platform for implementing Health, Safety,  Security and Environment software platform. You can prototype, build, test and deploy your bespoke solutions in lightening speed.

If you wish to learn more or have any enquiries, contact us at


Project Description

Implementation of Integrated Health, Safety & Environment Digitalisation Project

Project Details
  • Client: Upstream oil and gas operating company in Malaysia
  • Date: 12/2018